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Competitive edge in a sentence

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Sentence count:39Posted:2017-08-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: competitivecompetitivenesscompetitionimperfect competitionpure competitionrepetitiveperfect competitionnon-price competition
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1) The company needs to improve its competitive edge.
2) The team seems to have lost its competitive edge recently .
3) We have lost our competitive edge.
4) They achieve the competitive edge because everyone is helping to achieve it.
5) Educational achievement provides a competitive edge in all areas of life, but not all educated and intelligent people are necessarily competitive. Dr T.P.Chia 
6) It is also the sort of competitive edge that wins customers - and makes competitors uncomfortable.
7) What is the competitive edge which the company has and is this sustainable?
8) The merger will give the company a competitive edge in the market.
9) They have a competitive edge in larger buying power,[ edge.html] enabling them to acquire stock at prices way below the small independents.
10) Proprietary technology with a competitive edge in substantial growth markets.
11) People are the key to finding a competitive edge in industry.
12) The competitive edge of two participants erupted into a punch-up after one shunted another about 10 metres directly after finishing the race on Saturday.
13) BFG International China provides a competitive edge to our organization combining the accumulated knowledge of BFG International and maintaining low operational cost in China.
14) As a competitive edge tool , public relations communication of the travel destination all comes under recognition.
15) You have to hone your competitive edge to remain ahead of others.
16) Because of the high exchange rate, our products have lost their competitive edge.
17) Through superior production techniques they were able to gain the competitive edge.
18) In a global economy(, the only way to maintain a competitive edge is to lead the world in innovation.
19) Runners are more conservative, instead of their heads they look to their shoes to give them the competitive edge.
20) Great training for life in the U. S. Gives you that competitive edge.
21) The research starts from the assumption that it is a product's competitive edge rather than its design perse that determines its performance.
22) There seemed to be very little wrong with his competitive edge, or his nerve.
23) On the contrary, much of it - the taxation proposals in particular - is calculated to sacrifice our competitive edge.
24) But the 1977 Ferrari was by now outmoded and no longer had the same competitive edge.
25) Mr Coleridge inherits a market that has made some sensible moves to improve its competitive edge.
26) They would dilute the quality of his product, blunting a competitive edge.
27) In recent years, the rapid development of listed companies in Jiangsu Province form with a certain competitive edge in the market and industrial concentration of "Jiangsu plate."
28) In today's world user needs diversification, the individuality time, "service" to become equipment manufacturing enterprise competitive edge tool.
29) The Japanese business lobby has gone all-out in support of the drive, saying it would help exporters — like automakers and electronics manufacturers — regain their competitive edge.
30) This unique service model of Global lock has not only a huge market developing space in China , but also have a strong competitive edge for further development around the world as well.
More similar words: competitivecompetitivenesscompetitionimperfect competitionpure competitionrepetitiveperfect competitionnon-price competitionmonopolistic competitioncompetitorcompetingpetitionrepetitionrepetitiouspositive feedbackcompetepetitecompetentappetitecompetencycompetenceincompetentpetit jurycompetentlyincompetenceincompetencylocomotive engineeralternative energydietitianimperative
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